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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by BigChiefSlapaho

  1. Seeing these things for the first time brought an aura of shock and disbelief over the video gaming world & changed fighting games as we know it.  No longer was it good enough to just beat your opponent silly, but now it was just as important to know that secret combination to dismember your opponent in your character's oh-so-special way.


    Pick your fav.

  2. Can you guess where Nick's vote is going?


    Note:  This is not a fight between the Braveheart's band of warriors against the Roman Legions.  This is a one-on-one, mano-a-mano fight to the finish in American Airlines Arena for this one-time-only pay-per-view event, hosted by Corona & Don K- just kidding.


    Howabout we pick a location that's fair to both parties, neither Rome nor Ireland, say on the grounds of Stonehenge or something dramatic like that.  What you think?

  3. I'm gonna give this one to Vader for one reason.


    Experience wise, Luke fought only 1 Jedi... Vader himself.  Vader, however, has fought and beat an entire council of Jedi with the exception of Yoda & Obi-Wan... by himself.  Now, you can come to the conclusion that if Vader beat all them Jedi, and Luke beat Vader, then Luke could've beaten all them Jedi too.  But, think about it, Luke against Mace Windu? (Sam Jackson?)  Quai-Gon?  Obi-Wan? The dude with the really big head?  Already seasoned veterans in their game with nothing but time on their hands to think up ways to cleave someone.

  4. I guess you may be right...


    Never read / seen the Jedi take on a guy like Flash.  Guess it would be undetermined who could take who.  I still say if there's more than one of them up against Flash, he'll have a hard time.  Running quick doesn't neccessarily mean thinking quick, one mistake could mean Harakiri for Flash.


    What about if they choke him from a distance & hold him above the ground?

  5. According to your pansy little rules I can defend myself in however I see fit.


    So if I see that a forum-member who thinks he's the know-it-all of the universe but can't spell or write any better than a Chinese foreign exchange student on their first month of English, and state it, then you "bitches better not cry."


    And, thank you Mr. Jumbie for so valiantly defending your fudge-packing boyfriend over here.  Couldn't let him do it for himself huh.


    As far as I can see everyone's entitled to their opinions, but when I voiced mine I was told I "must be fuckin crazy" or whatever the rest of the reply said... so if you decided the fight before you even debated the issue, why post it?  Just act it out in your simple little brain and then cheer for yourself in the mirror while you masturbate on your little action figures of Batman.

  6. but not by breaking through them no he actually becomes tangable amazing eh


    #1)  Learn decent human punctuation before attempting to write in a human language.


    #2)  The word you were looking for is INtangible.  Go buy a Thesaurus please.


    #3)  In what tense is the word DISARMEDS?  Post-future?  Past-passive-aggressive-noun?  


    Calm yourself and learn to accept it.  The Jedi rule.

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